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Bicycle/Skateboard Rules and Contract

Please take note of the Cabrillo Elementary Rules below and the "Rules of the Road," which outline rules for riding on the street and sidewalk. Our bicycle rules are strict because we care about the safety of students. Remember that riding to school is a privilege. Students may lose the privilege for riding a bicycle to school if the rules are not followed.


1. Students in Grades 4-6 only may ride bikes to Cabrillo unescorted by a parent, but must have signed a bicycle/scooter contract to do so. Please complete the contract located on this website and turn it into the school office.

2. Students MUST wear a helmet. This is California State Law.

4. Bicycles/scooters must be walked on sidewalks around the school and inside the school grounds. We have a NO WHEELS rule inside the school grounds, meaning NO bikes, skateboards, or other wheels may be ridden on campus grounds during school hours.

5. Bicycles/scooter must be parked in the bicycle rack located in the quad. Cabrillo Elementary School is not responsible and assumes no liability for theft, damage, or loss of use to any bicycle or equipment. All such risks are assumed by the student. Students must secure their bicycles/scooter in an appropriate manner by using a quality lock and chain.

6. No motorized bicycles, scooters or skateboards are to be ridden to school. Motorized bicycles/scooters are not allowed on the school grounds at any time.


1. Students in Grade 6 only may ride skateboards to Cabrillo unescorted by a parent, but must have signed a skateboard contract to do so.

2. Skateboarders MUST wear safety helmets for their own protection. SKATEBOARDS WILL BE CONFISCATED IF A STUDENT DOES NOT HAVE A HELMET. It is the law. 

3. Due to space and fire codes we discourage skateboards being kept in the classrooms, however, at this time it is up to individual teacher discretion.Cabrillo Elementary School is not responsible and assumes no liability for theft, damage, or loss of use to any skateboard or equipment. All such risks are assumed by the student.

Safety “Rules of the Road”

1. Rules for Riding on the Street:

  • Always ride on the right hand side (same direction as traffic).

  • Obey traffic laws, including all the traffic signs and signals.

  • Ride predictably—ride in a straight line, don’t weave in and out of traffic.

  • Look before turning - use hand signals when turning.

  • Watch for vehicles going in and out of driveways.

  • Keep both hands on the handlebars, except when signaling.

  • Always stop and walk your bicycle across the street. Use a crosswalk if available. Look left, right, left, and behind you for traffic.

2. Rules for Riding on the Sidewalk:

  • When riding on a sidewalk -- Go SLOW!

  • Watch for cars coming out of driveways and realize they may not see you.

  • Pedestrians always have the right away. Be courteous and show respect for the people walking on the sidewalk.

  • If you come up behind people walking, be very polite and wait for a good time to ask them to let you pass.

  • If you cannot pass safely, then get off your bike and walk your bike around the pedestrians.

  • Always stop and walk your bicycle across the street. Use a crosswalk if available. Look left, right, left, and behind you for traffic.